Do you have an active class action practice? How often are you considering your class action marketing strategy? Many injury law firms class action marketing strategies can be boiled down to make a Facebook post, boost it, and hope. However, many elements of class action marketing can be done strategically and overall better than they are currently for your firm. In this post, I will discuss the 8 basics of class action marketing and ways your firm can enhance your approach to this lucrative injury law profit centre.
Table of Contents
Class Action Marketing Basics Number 1: The Investigation Page
The first thing you should do when considering a class action is to put a page on your website that states that you are investigating the class action. For Canadian injury lawyers, many of the class action ideas are tested in the States. Thus, you can build a page on your website that is optimized for SEO that has a title like “brand name class action Canada”. This will allow your law firm to rank on Google for Canadians searching to see if that certified class action in the United States is active in Canada.
This page is different from the class action service page you likely have on your website. Your existing class action service page should link to this new class action investigation page. Your class action service page should be designed in a way that it receives class action inquiries and helps showcase your expertise as a class action lawyer.
This page should be relatively short and to the point; it can summarize the nature of the class action, who is likely impacted, and have a form they can fill out that will allow them to capture their email. The page should highlight your class action experience and recent success you’ve had. Many injury law firms post a class action announcement on social media, leading them to their firm’s general contact page or class action page. However, that page does nothing to rank for the specific class action on Google.
The person likely to sign up to be part of the class action is going to search for the specific brand or business the class action is against and then the words “class action canada” or “law suit canada” and you need a page that can rank for those terms.
Once you file, update the page that a class action has been filed, and use this page as the hub to update the process.
Class Action Marketing Basics Number 2: Paid Search
While waiting for your page to rank organically, you can add the relevant keywords to your existing class action lawsuit Google Ads campaign. If you aren’t an always-on Google Advertiser (and if not, why not?), you should build out a Google Ads campaign for your new class action. You will have to consider how large the geographic area for the potential class members will be. If it is just in your region, then target that.
However, many class actions are national in nature, and thus you could put your search campaign nationwide. Nevertheless, once you’ve decided to launch a class action and search for a representative plaintiff or expand your class action group you should be active on paid search to ensure you find relevant victims.
Class Action Marketing Basics Number 3: Social Media
Once your investigation page is live on your website, share it through your social channels. A basic post that states the class action and who is eligible and encourage people to tag or share people who might be interested. Additionally, boost this post to the relevant demographics for the class action. For the post, include relevant hashtags, ensure the post looks trustworthy, and ensure you tell people that you will only be accepting inquiries to your website. There are many social media scams and class action posts can be targets for scammers, so ensure you discuss the approved channels to talk with you on.
Class Action Marketing Basics Number 4: Don’t Buy The URL
Do not buy a promotional URL first or early on. A vast network of domain squatters will try and sell you branded domains around class action lawsuits and generally don’t buy them. The money you need to spend to establish them as a brand will cost more than it is worth. Plus, there’s good SEO value to having the class action information on your website, and build links and domain authority through that. Additionally, once a settlement is reached, you can then decide what to do with the url if you want a custom one. However, do not buy an expensive custom domain until the case is certified, and you have an idea of size.
Class Action Marketing Basics Number 5: Hire a Media Planner to Buy the Class Action Ads
The amount of money the claims administration firms charge to run the awareness ads as part of the settlement terms is not consistent with how much it actually costs to do that work. Claims administration firms have a hard job, and a unique skill that is worth the money they charge. However, that skill is not in media buying or planning.
The cost of the mandatory ads you must run should be between 20-30% of the ad spend, not equal to the ad spend. There is some huge savings to be had in hiring a media planner and having that spend be part of your firm’s general ad spend versus letting an external group handle that and charge you exceptional fees. Rock Bound Marketing has run class action classified ads across Canada and can help you with your media plan today. Don’t pay more than you have to.
Class Action Marketing Basics Number 6: Keep The Emails
For anyone who signs up for a class action lawsuit, you are investigating or successfully launched, keep the emails for future marketing. For consumer-based class actions, these clients are likely to be in a future class action or able to share with their network when you launch the following class action. When you verify them and put them in a class action, segment them into a list for future use, eventually you’ll build up a list of thousands of emails that make launching your next class action easy.
Depending on the scale of your class action practice, you could automate this activity in HubSpot using their platform. If you would like help automating your list creation and landing pages using HubSpot contact Rock Bound Marketing today.
Class Action Marketing Basics Number 7: Hire Experts
Class action marketing is competitive and a skill different from regular marketing. Your regular agency is likely good at planned, routine marketing projects for your firm. However, the speed and unpredictable timeline for class action marketing projects makes your agency a poor partner for class action marketing. You need somebody who will drop everything, run the project today, and have things live and move in a day. Thus, hire an expert class action marketing firm. Rock Bound Marketing has experience executing class action marketing projects from start to finish. Additionally, their costs will be higher than what a focused class action marketing firm can provide.
Class Action Marketing Basics Number 8: Write a Press Release
It is incredible how many Canadian injury law firms neglect to write press releases announcing they have started a class action. The media can be a great source of awareness for your class action lawsuit. Write a quick press release summarizing what it is that you are launching, why you are launching it, and that you are available for an interview. If you are in a market with local media, you should get some coverage and at minimum, traffic to your website.
Class Action Marketing With Rock Bound Marketing
Are you a law firm that routinely does class action lawsuits? Do you have trouble getting them off the ground or quickly finding representative plaintiffs? We should talk. I founded Rock Bound Marketing as a marketing agency for injury law firms. I have experience running class action marketing plans and can help your law firm efficiently market its class action lawsuits on demand. Contact Rock Bound Marketing Today!